Every year on September 29, we celebrate Michaelmas, a Feast of (Archangels) Saints Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and All Angels. A day to remember and to reconnect with the Angelic realm. At trying time , one could express this p rayer to Archangel Michael: “Mighty Archangel Michael, please grant me confidence, strength and clarity to face and overcome any life challenges! Thank you.” Card deck: Angel Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine Photo credit: Tristen Churn, thank you. For more info on learning courses of Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards and Crystals, please follow: @sunmoonmagicacademy #KualaLumpur #Malaysia #angelmeditation #crystalmeditation #crystalhealing #crystalchannelling #tarotreading #angeltarotcardreading #kuanyinoraclecardreading