
Showing posts from December, 2008


May peace fill all the  empty spaces  around you And in you, may contentment answer all your wishes. May comfort be yours, warm and soft like a sigh. And may the coming year show you that every day  is really a first day, a new year. Let abundance be your constant companion, so that you have much to share. May mirth be near you always, like a lamp shining brightly on the many paths you travel. May you be true love.   Author Unknown But Very Much Appreciated! source: inspiration peak

Testimonial On Yoga Coaching

仍舊記得多年前,在某個機緣下,看見一位百嵗老人練習瑜伽的情景,令我讚嘆不已,她柔軟,輕巧,心思敏捷,當時心想,‘年輕如我’真該好好安排時間學習這東方最古老的強身術。轉眼,多年過去,終于踏出第一步,走進瑜伽殿堂,領略箇中滋味。雖然學習瑜伽的年資尚淺,但是,在學習的過程中,可以深深地感受到練習瑜伽,配合呼吸,意識的集中,絕對可以達到身心靈之平衡發展與自然健康。 現代人的生活面對許多的壓力與緊迫,不健全的心理與不健康的生理,構成了典型的現代人体質,如果沒有適當的調節,就會衍生許多的身心病症,也影響了整體社會環境。 鄭永祥老師深知現代人問題所在,也因爲兼具禪修經驗,所以,在教學時,總能適宜的,透徹的講解學員們的身心狀況及意識形態,透過他恰到好處的提醒,學員們得以更精准,放鬆的拿捏每個瑜伽體位。耐心,細心,專注的鄭老師,在教課時能夠營造出平靜,攝心的氛圍,對於生活在都市的學員們,在這一刻,可以放下身旁的事務,煩惱,輕鬆的享受身心的安寧,是非常難能可貴的。每堂課結束前,老師總會安排時間和大家交流,回答學生的問題,並能依狀況調整課程,他的用心,有目共睹。 古老而時尚的瑜伽,是非常值得推廣的,而這位年輕,有活力的老師,定也能在瑜伽教學上開出一片閃亮天空。 PY, A Zen Meditation devotee in buddhism teaching, Kuala Lumpur

Taker; Giver

The takers are the people who believe their lives will always be the total of what they can get from the world. They are always thinking get, get, get. They plan and scheme ways to get what they want in money, in love, in happiness, and in all kinds of good... but whatever may be their spiritual ideals or lack of any, no matter what they take, they can never know peace or security or fulfillment. The givers, on the other hand, are convinced life is a giving process. Thus their subtle motivation in all their ways is to give themselves away, in love, in service, and in all the many helpful ways they can invest themselves. They are always secure, for they intuitively know that their good flows from within. Eric Butterworth American Author, Philosopher and Minister source: inspiration peak