
Showing posts from September, 2022
  ⭐ 每年的9月29日是 Michaelmas, #大天使麦可 和众天使的大节日。我们在这一天适合和天使做连结,静心,抽天使牌卡等等活动。 ☀ 天使塔罗牌卡的讯息:皇帝牌 现在地球环境处于6大行星逆行期间,包刮水星逆行,许多人事物都进入动摇状况。请大家做静心,提高醒觉意识,理清个人盲点,方能在生活中站稳脚步。无论是在职场或任何场景中,於个人的角色和岗位部分,更需要站稳正面立场,用智慧和温和态度处理人际关系。勿活在自己的世界里,必须用宏观角度来看清楚人事物。 牌卡名称:天使塔罗牌卡 牌卡作者:Radleigh Valentine 牌卡画家:Steve Roberts – 图片摄影:Tristen Churn, 谢谢! 🔮 蓝水晶祈福静心活动(线上课程) 👉 资料: 👉 报名:通过WhatsApp 传送讯息至。 ✅有关线上和线下团体静心、个人塔罗占卜、观音神谕卡占卜和水晶疗愈个案的更多信息,请追踪FB和IG:@tristenchurn33 网页 ✅有关学习塔罗牌、神谕卡和水晶线上和线下课程的更多信息,请追踪FB和IG:@sunmoonmagicacademy #吉隆玻 #马来西亚 #天使 #天使静心 #大天使 #水晶静心 #塔罗牌 #塔罗 #占卜 #天使塔罗牌 #水晶疗愈
⚕📃 #TimelessMessage : Feeling stuck? 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 2) 👋 Yuhoo, if you are reading this post at anytime or during any Planet Retrograde (Rx) especially Mercury Rx, just trust that this message is meant for you. 😉 👉 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 2): 1) 🎶 Singing: Singing brings joy from working with music. When we sing, we focus on the song to generate our breaths, sound projections with the flow of melodies. This contributes to a good way to cultivate the awareness of the now. It can also unlock and calm our throat chakra and respiratory system. Anyone can sing, but if you feel shy, humming is another option. 2) ✍ Journaling: Journaling is an effective way to express ourselves in words. We can write down study notes, recipes, ideas and even our emotions and experiences. By doing so, it helps us to communicate with that part of our emotions which yearns to be expressed without judgement. To keep things moving, we can write a letter...
⚕📃 #TimelessMessage : Feeling stuck? 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 1) 👋 Yuhoo, if you are reading this post at any time or during any Planet Retrograde (Rx) especially Mercury Rx, just trust that this message is meant for you. 😉 👉 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 1): 1) 💦 Drink plenty of water: About 60% of our body is made out of water. By drinking water, it contributes to improve the fluid level and it flushes various toxins from our organs. This changes the energy of our body and ease our mood toward conditions of life. 2) 🏊‍♀️ Exercise: Exercise provides many benefits to our body. When we exercise, we follow our breathing and the steps in our jogging or swimming activity. This helps us to go with the flow and allow the physical activity to take place. Soon after, we can kiss our sticky state goodbye. 3) 😴 Rest: Sometimes we feel stranded as our brain is not functioning at its optimal level. Therefore, it is good for us to take breaks in betwe...