⭐ 每年的9月29日是 Michaelmas,#大天使麦可 和众天使的大节日。我们在这一天适合和天使做连结,静心,抽天使牌卡等等活动。
☀ 天使塔罗牌卡的讯息:皇帝牌
牌卡作者:Radleigh Valentine
牌卡画家:Steve Roberts – www.fineartamerica.com
图片摄影:Tristen Churn, 谢谢!
🔮 蓝水晶祈福静心活动(线上课程)
👉 资料: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQQfDyAbp8UzOAOhj2tZxc9rFgA3fAWJkZBLPH3cna4/edit?usp=sharing
👉 报名:通过WhatsApp 传送讯息至 https://wa.me/message/O4XYEPXNUV75F1。
#吉隆玻 #马来西亚 #天使 #天使静心 #大天使 #水晶静心 #塔罗牌 #塔罗 #占卜 #天使塔罗牌 #水晶疗愈
Testimonial On Crystal Meditation - Green Aventurine
"I highly recommend attending and benefiting from Tristen Churn’s Crystal Meditation sessions. I have personally experienced and greatly benefited from two divinely blessed sessions with Tristen. Each session brought me such profound insights into deep rooted problems and fears, which have affected my daily life and limited my living out my true potential. I am so grateful for Tristen’s channeling the crystals blessings that have helped me so much in healing and overcoming these often deeply hurtful hurdles. As I have been blessed and helped, this is what I wish for others to experience by attending and participating in a session with Tristen -- whose sessions are also blessed with such compassion, angelic-crystalline light, smiles and laughter, and love for humanity." ~ Jennifer Mourin, Penang ~