⚕📃 #TimelessMessage: Feeling stuck? 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 2)
👋 Yuhoo, if you are reading this post at anytime or during any Planet Retrograde (Rx) especially Mercury Rx, just trust that this message is meant for you. 😉

👉 3 ways to get out of your stuck condition (Part 2):
1) 🎶 Singing: Singing brings joy from working with music. When we sing, we focus on the song to generate our breaths, sound projections with the flow of melodies. This contributes to a good way to cultivate the awareness of the now. It can also unlock and calm our throat chakra and respiratory system. Anyone can sing, but if you feel shy, humming is another option.

2) ✍ Journaling: Journaling is an effective way to express ourselves in words. We can write down study notes, recipes, ideas and even our emotions and experiences. By doing so, it helps us to communicate with that part of our emotions which yearns to be expressed without judgement. To keep things moving, we can write a letter to ourselves. Be gentle and you will be surprised by your own words.

3) 🎨 Painting:: When we paint, we work with the beautiful colours of the palette. This process assists us to invite patience, creativity and colours to adorn our life. Most of the time, painting is not about perfecting our drawing skills, instead, it is always about developing lightheartedness to play with colours. Doodling can be a good start without any stress.

Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash, thank you!

Upcoming physical event, Sep 25, 2022: New M🌕🌕n Meditation with Goddess Kuan Yin
Click here 👉 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=754218805986373&id=100041947825204

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