
Showing posts from February, 2010

Testimonial On Starlight Crystal Healing: Body Attunement

''I was at Tristen Crystal Attunement & Body Crystalisation session recently and it was one of a kind eye-opener. Tristen was really meticulous from preparation to finish. During the session, you can feel the lights, frequencies and vibrations coming into your body. The Earth and Universe is changing and evolving and new modilities are being discovered. I strongly recommend Tristen Crystal Attunement & Body Crystalisation to anyone looking to strength their body foundation towards the light. Tristen had just brought me closer as well as lighted up my route to my spiritual-self. With Divine Love, Derrick Ngan, Singapore, 24th.Feb.2010 ''

Testimonial On Starlight Crystal Healing: Body Attunement

"The body crystallisation session was very fruitful as I can feel the new crystallise energy body vibration is much stronger than my existing crystalline body which I activated during other workshop. I highly recommend the crystal attunement and body crystallization for everyone either beginner or those who has already activated their crystalline body." ~ Kok Soon, Kuala Lumpur ~

Testimonial On Crystal Channeling & Therapy

" 促使我約見  Tristen  的原因是我向來對一切神祕事物及體驗有著莫名的強大好奇心,一聽說有位心靈導師能跟水晶對話如此神奇的事當然不 允 錯過! 到了約定當天,我按照指示挑了一些平時會使用的水晶前往。一會面便被眼前這位開朗的年輕人吸引。 Tristen  的身上彷彿披著一層光,使他看起來特別明亮耀眼。同時我發現他有一股特殊的氣質與能量,讓我感覺即放鬆又充滿活力。 在一個半小時的療程之中,我發覺我異於常態地,對著  Tristen  滔滔不絕傾訴起來,有幾次甚至無禮 地 打斷他的話。這令我非常困擾及不好意思。我自問是一個內向及慢熱的人,尤其是在陌生人及上師面前更甚。不知何故,在面對  Tristen  時卻可以很放心、毫無顧忌地傾訴著一切。 一開始,我對於  Tristen  通過水晶所傳達的訊息感到很不以為然。但在為時一個半小時的療程中,我那深深隱藏在細胞記憶裡,連自己都無從察覺的負面情緒,慢慢無所遁形地一層層被揭露開來,最後迫使我不得不正視它。 整個過程並無令我感到絲毫不安或沮喪,反而有一種真相大白後的釋懷!過後我覺得異常疲憊,一回到家便和衣倒在床上迷迷糊糊地睡了 将近五 個小時。這對我來說非常稀奇,事關我是個不睡午覺的人,除非是病倒了。在睡夢中,我經歷了許多怪異的景象,心中有數是在排釋負面能量。醒來後感覺無比輕鬆。 非常感恩  Tristen !他是目前為止我所遇見過,最年輕以及治療成效最顯著的一位心靈導師! " ~ Jane Wong, Kuala Lumpur ~

Testimonial On Crystal Channeling & Therapy

“Tristen is a truly gifted and extraordinary spiritual being. His channeling is so precise, detailed and direct. Definitely not run of the mills psychic/ channeller. A case in point, I bought my crystal about 6 months ago and kept it at home all this while. Through Tristen, the crystal knew what happened at the office 1 ½ years ago. I had the air-conditioner ventilator vent closed (due to fever & flu) and totally forgotten about this because my office is always extremely cold. This crystal told Tristen that my office space (cubicle) was badly ventilated! Inadvertently this crystal also “saved” me from injury as when I requested the maintenance guy to open the air vent he told me 3 clips out of 4 of the aluminium cover were sploit and can drop to my head any time. This is only partial example and there are other things being told…wow!” ~ Jill Lum, South Malaysia Industries Berhad, Kuala Lumpur ~

Testimonial On Crystal Channeling & Therapy

"I've had 3 (or 4? :) ) crystal channeling sessions with Tristen so far. In all sessions Tristen invariably channeled messages that were "spot on". I am always impressed with his ability to have a deep connection with the crystals. In addition to the messages channeled, Tristen also has wise advise/suggestions to share when he feels it is needed. Needless to say I really enjoy Tristen's crystal channeling sessions, otherwise I would not have done it several times :)." ~ Bernice, Kuala Lumpur ~