ASHTANGA YOGA: 7:30pm – 8:30pm, 27.08.2008, Wednesday

New Experience
Every morning, we wake up with a fresh body and a clear mind to begin a whole new day. We always say this phrase “to begin a whole new day” because we put up our hope and expectation for a brighter day to come. This is intriguing as this thinking represents a very positive attitude towards our life.

In yoga practice, we can always allow ourselves to carry on with this optimistic attitude in each session. It is simply because of each yoga session is a new experience to our body. Our body may react differently to each posture even though we have completed numerous sessions. Sometimes, in a similar posture, such as a tree pose, this session you would sense a tight feeling on your thigh but you feel relief on the following session.

Then, several questions came up from here: Is your mind calm enough to receive the messages of your body? Do you allow yourself to listen to your body? If the answers are “Yes”, Bravo! Keep up the good work. If “No”, do not give up, just spend time with your body.

Another key point here is ‘Acceptance’. Do not let any thought form to tie you down or to create burden to your body. Just simply accept the condition of your body on that particular day and move with its flow.

Simply enjoy your body, Namaste.


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