Since the day I began my journey on energy healing, I managed to deepen my understanding on the following concepts through the perspective of my divine self based on the teachings of Buddha, Kuan Yin, Angels, the Seven Ray Lords and the Universe. Humbly, I think that these are real practical understandings which could be applied on any type of healing modality depending on individual’s preference. Here are some points to share with:

"Form is empty. Emptiness is form."

As a norm, hands-on healings are much more popular to the public. Some of them use symbols and others may simply use human hands as healing tools. In general, public may find these hands-on healing modalities approachable as most of us depends on the physical forms or methods to verify the process or result, eg. we use our eyes to look at the movements of a pair of healing hands.

In this new age, since the vibration of Mother Earth is increasing rapidly, many new types of healing modalities are emerging to the surface of humanity consciousness. Transmission of healing energy from a healer to a receiver, normally a human body to another human body without hands-on mode is one of the new age healing modalities.

With great blessings, I am guided by my higher guides in all of my healing sessions. Upon receiving guidance from them, sometimes I am directed to use hands-on technique but most of the time I use energy transmission technique. Honestly, I like to apply mix and match concept in order to maintain the creativity and inspiration of the healing process.

Through these healing sessions, I gained further insights on this statement: “Form is empty. Emptiness is form." Sometimes, physical forms or methods are created to provide senses of security and satisfaction to the mental body of a physical self. If one could really open up and look through these senses, emptiness lies underneath. The most important aspect in a healing session is the process of energy transmission whereby the healing energy is transmitted with a proper healing intention from a healer to a receiver.

With certainty, all healing modalities works perfectly and effectively on the 4 levels of human body namely physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body. Nevertheless, the form or method is immaterial in most of the healing modalities, the substance that counts is the transmission of healing energy.

Interestingly, team work exists in a healing session and it is playing an important role in it. Team work comes in two ways:

i) Between the healer and the receiver
Both healer and receiver are advised to stay calm and relax in their physical, mental and emotional bodies. It is essential in creating the bridge of trust between the two parties in order to maintain a smooth flow of healing energy. This bridge of trust may tumble into obstacle even though a slight resistance, mistrust, doubt or fear appears in the belief systems of either party. Therefore, the flow of healing energy could be hindered if both parties are not properly connected especially in the aspect of setting up the healing “cable”.

ii) Between the higher guide(s) and the higher self of the receiver
Each and every human being has his or her own higher self or guiding angel who is always protecting his or her being. But sadly, most of us are clouded by our own distorted thoughts in our busy mind that prevents us from connecting with our higher self. Normally, our higher self or guiding angel shall know how much light and energy that we can really take into our body in the current state of a healing session. During a healing process, the higher guide(s) shall confer with the receiver’s higher self to decide how much light and energy is to be transmitted to the physical body of a receiver.

Generally, as a healer is acting as a medium in most of the healing sessions, one may need to equip himself with healing knowledge as well as spiritual understanding to perform this work. By getting to know the energy background and to combine it with one’s spiritual understanding, a healer shall become a wise medium for such energy. In a wider scope, a healer is not only acting as the energy medium but he or she is also holding the space for healing purpose with good intention for the receiver to heal himself or herself.

As such, the healer is playing a role as an observer to observe the space and the healing process. Understanding of detachments from the process and the result are good practices that a healer may need to cultivate as a habit in any healing session. If necessary, cutting the cords of healing in some cases are crucial in order to avoid entangled attachments between the healer and the receiver.

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you will never know which chocolate you gonna get?” Sounds familiar, great! A famous excerpt from the movie “Forrest Gump”.

This dialogue on the explanation of “Surprise” most probably derived from the metaphysical world ;P. Almost all the time, the teachings of higher guides always refer us to live in the moment of NOW. Then, what is living in the moment of NOW? This may explain as “To lead a lifestyle always indulge in the moment of NOW with full life force and intended concentration”. With this habit anchors in our daily life, we shall definitely receive a few good surprises now and then. It is just a matter of “When?”.

Same principle goes with the healing process, there is no direct answer or result at the end of it. It is as simple as there is no right or wrong in the eyes of the Universe. Some of them show instant results but some may appear in a few days or a week later. Some of them could heal the significant physical body but some of them could even heal up to the unremarkable spiritual body. Sometimes, one may feel that there is no substantial result from a healing session but this may be reassured that there is always a section of the 4 levels of human body is being healed. It is probably not up to our physical eyes and mental knowledge to detect it.

Frankly, part of me likes adventurous experience so somehow I love surprises a lot. In most of the sessions, I indulge myself very much in the moment of NOW so I am also curious about the feeling and sensation of a receiver in the healing process. Tickling by my adventurous instinct, I love to initiate a sharing conversation with the receiver at the end of a healing session. Well, this is the time while the surprises set in between those words. A healer shall be amazed by the different types of receptivity and reaction of various receivers, which provides an individual story in its own uniqueness. If any, a healer may receive some more surprises when the receiver responds to him or her after several days later of the session. This is when I really feel proud of myself to be able to perform this task on my spiritual path.

A few healing cases with heart-warming conversations which I could highlight here are listed below:

Case 1
Ms L is an evolved soul with clairsentience ability. Throughout the healing session by using the energy of Lord Lanto, she received messages sent out by me telepathically. At the last part of the session, she sensed that she reached ONENESS with the environment and she felt her presence everywhere in the room. She was uncomfortable with the almost-out-of-body experience so she asked me to stop the healing process. After that, she felt part of her was relieved from certain issues.

Case 2
Ms D is clairvoyance since 6 years old. She noticed the presence of Kuan Yin along the healing session and she actually saw or knew what was coming up in my healing script before it was happening. She felt relief after the session.
Mr J is Ms D’s boyfriend and he was released from his career pressure and old belief system after the session. He sent out forgiveness to people in his life and he finally understood that there is a reason for everything to happen.

Case 3
Mr K is a highly evolved spirit who owns a metaphysical shop. In the process of healing, under the guidance of Kuan Yin I explained some of his past lives’ experience to him in order for him to address his issue. It turned out that actually both of us have several past lives together. He ‘threw’ ;) and released his unwanted energies to Kuan Yin and he felt good after the session.

Case 4
Ms A is a healer herself with star being’s energy. She is having a back ache which she has attended many healing sessions but the ache still exists. I performed a short healing session for her and I revealed to her a past life event which caused her discomfort through the guidance of Kuan Yin. I advised Ms A that this is a slow recovery process and she understands it after all. Later, she was informed to practice mantra chanting daily so that she may send merits to the sentient beings.

Case 5
Auntie P and Ms J appear as a pair of cute mother and daughter who forms part of my soul group's allies. In the healing session, Auntie P saw many strips of golden light similar to art of calligraphy appeared in front of her. Then, she felt her crown chakra was operated 3 circles and unwanted energy started flowing down from her head and out from her ears. She almost dozed off after the relief took place.
Ms J was having a back soreness before her healing session. She was helped by Kuan Yin’s energy to release negativity in her physical being. After the session, her back soreness was cured and she received a message asking her not to hold up any negative emotion of other people.

Well, just a number of healing cases to share with my friends here. I am looking forward to receive some more surprises very soon.


I can see theres an ever evolving energies that you will be experiencing in your coming days into more and more of your innate ability.

Great Job and be Ready to Soar, you be Great :-D

Victoria~Victor~Victoriel LU (lol)

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