KARUNA YOGA: 8:00 – 9:15pm, 08.04.2009, Wednesday

Find a suitable edge
During our yoga practice, as we enter a pose, go slowly and gently into the suggested shape – without holding up a picture of how far you should go in your mind. As a master said: ”There’s no extreme ideal in yoga posture; there’s no end result we are looking for.” Basically, we just need to pause, recognize and listen carefully to the messages sending out by our body. And wait for feedback before moving deeper into the posture.

Many modern people, layman especially workers, even dancers and athletes, have lost much of their sensitivity to the signals of the body and tend to overrule those messages. For example, in the case of a dancer, she may be so flexible that she forgets to observe the condition of her body which may leads to her injury. Try to look for a suitable amount of intensity, a balance point between sensation and space. The master also said: ”It is always a good chance to create a fresh type of innocence, a patience to listen to the intelligence of our body that provides you feedback. It is also about recognizing the trigger to feel outside its comfort zone.”

By recognizing the signals of your body, you will begin to connect back to your physical being. An awareness of Self shall build up gradually from this process. Start to relax into your body and find a suitable edge for yourself.



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