PART 2 (2009): THE CHINA CRYSTAL CHRONICLES - The Return of the Prodigal Children by KB Wong

“What’s with this ‘seven’?” I questioned.
I prodded a bit more and asked Spirit how many people should actually be present when we acquire the crystals. I was hoping that perhaps it would be just a few of the guys, maybe Tristan, Wei Suan and/or myself. Definitely not the whole crew: we wouldn’t want to show up looking like a bunch of rich tourists when we deal with the crystal dealers, especially in China!

“Seven,” came the reply. “You need all seven to be present for the crystals.”

Wei Suan got the same answer independently several days later. “We need all seven to be there in order to get the crystals,” he said, “It won’t do to have even one less.”

I found the entire setup very unusual. At the back of my mind I suspected I wasn’t seeing the entire picture. There was something I was missing, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.


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