👉Q: Special guidance from the Goddess of Mercy.

Special guidance revealed.

🔶Option A) Gentle Face – Be gentle with yourself.

In daily activities, you may find yourself feeling mentally tense, which leads to anxiety, physical tension, and stress in your life. It is recommended that you take a look at these tense thoughts and see if you often criticize your own words and actions or constantly undermine yourself, leading to exhaustion. Actually, positive reflection is a high-quality activity that everyone needs to do, but if it goes too far, it can be counterproductive. You can stop criticizing and beating up yourself, and adopt a gentle attitude to live and relax your mood.

🔶Option B) Colorful Jewellery – Take stock on own strengths.

It's time to sit down and take stock on your strengths, advantages, weaknesses, or skills and list them out. Admit personal weaknesses, reflect on them, and take steps to reduce their burden and impact. At the same time, list practical steps and methods to recognize and enhance strengths and skill set. Make them shine to increase your value and be productive in your career and own life.

🔶Option C) Lotus Flower – Appreciate the beauty of life.

In the midst of busy days, you may have been overwhelmed by the occurrence of events of all sizes around you, forgetting how beautiful life is. It is suggested that you set aside some time before bedtime in the evening or schedule some short breaks during the day to slow down, learn to appreciate the beauty of people and things in your life, and sincerely thank them for their goodness. Understanding the beauty and goodness of people and things requires time to develop, so that in long run, this attitude of being appreciative will help you to cherish your life.

✅Upcoming event: Online New Beginning Meditations, Mar 20 & Apr 8, 2023, 8;00 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. @ Google Meet.

✅For more info on Online of Face-To-Face Meditations, Sessions of Tarot Reading, Kuan Yin Oracle Card Reading and Crystal Healing, please browse and follow FB & IG: @tristenchurn33

Linktree: linktr.ee/tristenchurn

Web: www.tristenchurn.com

✅For more info on online of face-to-face learning courses of Tarot and Oracle Cards, Kuan Yin & Crystal Healing, please browse and follow FB & IG: @sunmoonmagicacademy

Deck: Kuan Yin Oracle

Author: Alana Fairchild

Artist: Zeng Hao

Photo credit: Tristen Churn

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